Disc Golf Player Profiles

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RekaMichelle Cookson – Carmel, ME

“One of my individuals asked me one day (in 2019) if I had ever played disc golf. I looked at him and said, “I have never heard of this before. Can you tell me about it?” He told me that every year, there was like3 course that did free disc golf for individuals, sponsored by Special Olympics. I researched and found that Pineland Farms in…
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Jordan Monnin – Hillsdale, Michigan

“My first win in MA1 came at the iconic Eureka Temp course in Eureka, Illinois in August of 2022. I played a Ledgestone Open flex start on the course and loved every minute of it. I not only won the tournament in a field of 35-40 players, I also shot my personal best rated round (1011) and missed qualifying for the pro tour event by…
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Justin Myers – New Oxford, Pennsylvania

“Love my casual rounds. I help run our tag leagues and putting leagues during the winter. I do play in tournaments but lately i’ve just been helping run them…I work part time at a friends disc golf shop. Also i do a lot of course cleanup because that never ends. I also enjoy karaoke…I received the nickname DEBBIE back in 2000 when i started at…
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Shawn Reid – Lockport, NY

“Kinda stumbled on it, there were like four or five of us that started casual and then one day ran into a gathering of people and started talking the next thing ya know we’re doing league and tournaments and 30 years gone in a flash…Honestly I’ve never had that much success aside from twenty or so tourney aces. It’s really been about the friendships I’ve…
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Jennifer Awesome Czuprynski – Poulsbo, Washington

“My husband suggested that we should give it a try, since we were stuck inside due to COVID, and with 5 kids, we needed to get outside with something to do. So we decided to take the kids to 360 Disc Golf to pick out some discs for Easter, and we went and looked for discs in the woods instead of doing an Easter egg…
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Mason Flinchum – Reno, Nevada

“My “home course” would have to be Lizard Peak Disc Golf Course or The Ranch disc golf course. Both are local courses for me that offer a variety of shot shapes and quite a few open “bomber” holes. We are in Nevada so basically there is sage brush EVERYWHERE and some Juniper trees scattered in the mix but mostly open courses…I am a casual, league…
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Noah Hood – Lafayette, Indiana

“I took home my first tournament win (MA3, but, it still counts!) in the Spring of 2022. I also hit my first four aces that spring and summer. I am particularly proud of the small group of guys from my church that I have gotten into the sport. We play at least once a week together…I love playing music (I play guitar and sing), hanging…
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Eric Davis – Ayden, NC

“My most memorable moments in disc golf so far had been watching 2 people get aces and really just seeing how the disc golf community is very respectful and helpful to others interested in the sport. Having these experiences make me want to tell people and get new people like myself into the sport, it’s a great place to meet and make new friends which…
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James Anderson – Wisconsin Rapids, WI

“Just recently I had the opportunity to compete in the Found Your Mini Open. It was my first sanctioned tournament. I finished 6th place. I learned a lot about my status in disc golf that day. It’s given me a direction I want to go to improve… My step father took me discing for the first time on top of a mountain. The views and…
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Casey “high-C” Heinz – Iron Mountain, MI

“Dreyfus. A heavily wooded 9 hole private course. HIT YOUR LINES!… Iron Mountain City Park DGC. Good elevation changes and shot variety on this 20 hole course. I hold a share of the course record here… I also host 2 leagues during the summer and a putting league over the long winter…” Welcome to another edition of our Disc Golf Player Profile publication – where…
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