Casey “high-C” Heinz – Iron Mountain, MI

“Dreyfus. A heavily wooded 9 hole private course. HIT YOUR LINES!… Iron Mountain City Park DGC. Good elevation changes and shot variety on this 20 hole course. I hold a share of the course record here… I also host 2 leagues during the summer and a putting league over the long winter…”

Welcome to another edition of our Disc Golf Player Profile publication – where we feature disc golfers that you may or may not have heard of before. Everybody has their own disc golf story to tell. This is the place where those stories are being told and shared with the world!

Meet Casey “high-C” Heinz (PDGA #85966)

Tell us about yourself! How old are you? Where do you live? What do you do (work/school/etc.)?

27, disc golf all the time

Tell us about the most important people in your life! Who do you live with (family, friends, etc.)?

I have a 4 year old son who is everything to me. 

Disc Golf Journey

How long have you been playing disc golf?

10 years

How did you get started with disc golf?

A friend of mine took me out and I instantly fell in love.

In the Bag

What are some of your favorite discs that are in your bag right now?

Mvp Servo, Axiom Hex, Birdie Marvel

What else is always in your bag other than discs?

A first aid kit, snacks

Disc Golf Courses

Do you have a course that you consider your ‘home course’? Tell us about it.

Dreyfus. A heavily wooded 9 hole private course. HIT YOUR LINES!

Iron Mountain City Park DGC. Good elevation changes and shot variety on this 20 hole course. I hold a share of the course record here.

What are a few of your favorite disc golf courses to play?

Keyes Peak, Highbridge Hills

What is a dream disc golf course for you that you hope to play someday?

The Beast

Let’s Play Disc Golf

Do you drink, smoke, snack, or partake in anything else while playing disc golf? What’s your go-to?

I enjoy most casual round with beers and/or partaking. I also enjoy going out to the course to just clear my mind.

Are you just a casual disc golfer? Do you participate in any local leagues? Do you compete in disc golf tournaments?

All of the above. I also host 2 leagues during the summer and a putting league over the long winter.

Disc Golf Fun Stuff

Do you have any favorite professional disc golfers that you follow?

Simon Lizotte

Who do you typically play disc golf with?

My friends or my son

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