Disc Golf Player Profiles

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Nathan Bradley – Williamsburg, Va

“The first disk I ever owned like so many. It’s probably a DX shark, when I first got into the sport when my brother invited me to go throw with him, and a friend, that is the first guest that I put in my hand to throw, and to this day I throw in range is probably more than anything else…My 3 sons are what…
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Timothy Council – Cottonwood, AL

“The most memorable disc golf moment was after Louisiana State Championships, I was paired with Matt Orum for a skins match…The most important people in my life are my wife of 7 yrs and my son who is 20…Clyde Fant Parkway. It is the first lighted disc golf course in the country...” Welcome to another edition of our Disc Golf Player Profile publication – where…
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Chris Thompson – Damon, Texas

“My most memorable moment wasn’t even something I did. My oldest boy decided he wanted to try disc golf again. So we played in Austin Tx and he hit a $250 267’ blind ace. Definitely a proud Dad moment…I discovered it with my son and fell in love. Got my first Ace within two months of playing, sadly no one was there to witness it.…
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Alex Burke – Bloomington, IN

“I have a few goals, some easier to obtain than others. I want to win more tournaments, and move up from MA4. I’d love to make it to MPO in the next couple of years. I would like to play in the National Amateur Disc Golf Tour whenever I can. I also thought it would be fun to own some land to put my own course…
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Jason Geer – Gladwin Michigan

“The 1st time I aced, wasn’t expecting to even get close to the basket so I turned around after throwing and then my friend got excited and started screaming and I didn’t realize at 1st it was my disc that made the sound. The 1st tournament I won, thanks to my 150 ft birdie shot. Some of my other hobbies are black smithing, riding my…
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Jordan Ashford – Topeka, Kansas

“I just so happened to stumble across disc golf one day on an Uber ride from work.  There were discs all over the floor in the front seat and my driver just said “Don’t mind the mess.  I leave them there on purpose.”  That’s how the conversation started about disc golf.  He also introduced me to the current club I’m in.  Growing up not being…
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Jerome Luna – Daly City, California

“Hello everyone, I Started my Disc Golf Journey 2 months ago. I am 35 years old, I am currently a resident in Daly City, California, but play disc golf in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and Walden Park in Walnut Creek, California. For years I debated on playing this sport, because I was always interested in trying it. I am also an avid golfer.…
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Hunter Hoeflicker – Fulton, Missouri

“The most important person in my life is definitely my mom. She taught me how to work hard no matter what and always knew what to do so I mean ya a mom. My brother is pretty important if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t even be into disc golf. My step-dad always knows how to fix something if need be and has taught me…
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Jeremiah Johnson – Springtown, Texas

“I’ve been playing disc golf since early 2009… A few friends played and invited me out. Immediately hooked 😂… Every round is a memory made between me and friends…” Welcome to another edition of our Disc Golf Player Profile publication – where we feature disc golfers that you may or may not have heard of before. Everybody has their own disc golf story to tell.…
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Jonathan Hernandez Benitez – Winterville, NC

“When I’m not playing or working or doing school I focus my time on helping my parents as much as possible and being there for my younger siblings. There is seriously nothing more I would do. They helped me more than enough for 20 years and now it’s time I returned the favor…” Welcome to another edition of our Disc Golf Player Profile publication –…
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