Mark McAlister – Mt. Holly Springs, PA

“After about a week of playing I played my first tournament. Back in the late 90s tournaments ran a lot different then they do now. First round was mixed divisionally, i.e Pro, Am, Woman, and Junior.. I got to play with the Legend Dave Greenwell PDGA# 962, 3x player of the year and Masters World champion. It was a great round seeing what a true professional could do with a disc was fascinating to a 13 year old kid. After this round I knew this was what I was going to do. Not to mention I out threw him on 2 holes…”

Welcome to another edition of our Disc Golf Player Profile publication – where we feature disc golfers that you may or may not have heard of before. Everybody has their own disc golf story to tell. This is the place where those stories are being told and shared with the world!

Meet Mark McAlister (PDGA #16672)

Tell us about yourself! How old are you? Where do you live? What do you do (work/school/etc.)?

38, Mt. Holly Springs, PA

Tell us about the most important people in your life! Who do you live with (family, friends, etc.)?

My girlfriend Alicia, My dog Gunnar

Do you have a nickname or just something else that you go by?


Disc Golf Journey

How long have you been playing disc golf?

I started april 24th 1999, almost 25 years  

How did you get started with disc golf?

My mother Lisa Mcalister PDGA#17176 ran a newspaper and had a sports day at the local park (Freeman Lake Park Elizabethtown, KY) it was called Freeman fest and it included Discgolf , 5k run, soccer, kickball, etc. I was always sports inclined. I tried Discgolf and loved it, after a week I signed up for the tournament. 

Share some of your memorable disc golf moments…

After about a week of playing I played my first tournament. Back in the late 90s tournaments ran a lot different then they do now. First round was mixed divisionally, i.e Pro, Am, Woman, and Junior.. I got to play with the Legend Dave Greenwell PDGA# 962, 3x player of the year and Masters World champion. It was a great round seeing what a true professional could do with a disc was fascinating to a 13 year old kid. After this round I knew this was what I was going to do. Not to mention I out threw him on 2 holes..

In 2000, I won my first >16 Juniors tournament. The Great Eastern Am Cup July 22nd, 2000. I won 3 gold medals and 2 silver medals from the Bluegrass State Games all throughout 2000. Also signed up for the PDGA.  

In 2001, I set the Under 16 world record for Distance at the Tennessee State Games 656 ft.  My first title of 12 that I got throughout my career, so far.

In 2002, I won the Am World Distance Title in Miami Florida (598ft)   

In 2003, I helped Scott Stokley with some Video tapes and hooked up with Discraft, through Scotts help I joined Team Discraft (the D-Team) as the First amatuer (I played Advanced) to sign with the Team. 

  •  Won my First Advanced Tournament Three Rivers Open 13th July, 2000 in Fort Wayne Indiana.

In 2004, I won my first NT (advanced) Brent Hambrick Memorial July 9-11th, 2004.  

In 2007 I won my first Pro Tournament Fling-a-thing @ Otter Creek Park May 12th, 2007.

In 2008, My Best friend and Touring Pro Trevor Harbolt and I got 3rd place in the College Championships in Bowling Green Kentucky. For Louisville Technical Institute. Just the 2 of us versus multiple teams of players from all across the country. 

In 2019, after a long break from Discgolf I decided to start playing again. I played some Southern Nationals events and played casually across those empty years. I bought a van and started to travel across the country playing the Sport I grew up in. 

In 2020 I took 2nd place at the Grandbury Throwdown in Texas to Brodie Smith. It was an emotional ride and I was happy for my return and all that it took me to get there. 

In 2021, I was featured with Scott Stokley on his youtube channel. We discussed the return to Discgolf and the ups and downs I encountered. Check it out on Scotts Youtube!     

Some Random Personal Stuff

What do you do when you’re not playing disc golf?

I play PC games, split atoms, and enjoy my family, girlfriend Alicia, and dog Gunnar.

What is your absolute favorite food (something you couldn’t live without)?

I love to Eat! Sushi is probably my favorite 

What’s your favorite fast-food restaurant?


What are some of your favorite movies of all time?

True Romance, The Boondock saints, Get over it, Marvel movies 

What are some of your favorite TV shows/series?

MXC, Game of Thrones, The Strain, Andor, Mandalorian 

Do you have any pro or college sports teams you are fanatic about?

Pittsburgh Steelers

In the Bag

What is the first disc golf disc that you ever owned?

Ching Skull Aviar Putter 

What are some of your favorite discs that are in your bag right now?

Truth, Rive, Raider, Judge

What else is always in your bag other than discs?

Birdie Bags, Birdie bags, Birdie Bags

Disc Golf Courses

Do you have a course that you consider your ‘home course’? Tell us about it.

Coyote Hills in Middlesex Park, Middlesex, PA. Best course in PA but im Biased I designed this course in 2009  

What are a few of your favorite disc golf courses to play?

Coyote Hills, Iron Hill, Disc Side of Heaven, Freeman Lake Park, Otter Creek Park, Idlewild

What is a dream disc golf course for you that you hope to play someday?

Maple Hill 

Let’s Play Disc Golf

Do you have any pre-round or post-round rituals that you do when you play disc golf?

Im old now so stretching is super important. 

Do you drink, smoke, snack, or partake in anything else while playing disc golf? What’s your go-to?

Liquid IV to keep up with all these 16 year olds 

Are you just a casual disc golfer? Do you participate in any local leagues? Do you compete in disc golf tournaments?

I was on tour the past 2 years and I have an injured wrist, so not much throwing as of now. But I plan to get back into it by the beginning of next year 2024. 

Do you have any tips for aspiring disc golfers?

Build your brand. Logos and video are crucial for social media and growing your brand..

Disc Golf Fun Stuff

Do you have any favorite professional disc golfers that you follow?

Trevor Harbolt.  #stepwithtrevor

Do you have any disc golf goals that you are trying to achieve?

Heal from injury and Win a Pro Masters event in 2025 

Who do you typically play disc golf with?

My Mom, she’s a killer. Across like 10 years she had a 70% win rate. Won the Woman’s world championships in Peoria by 34 strokes. 

What would a perfect disc golf round look like for you?

My Kentucky Discgolf Friends, My Mom, My Girlfriend and My dog..  and no score cards.  Just throwing shots and having a good time 

Let’s Get Social

Instagram – @Fatboidiscgolf 

Facebook – Fatboidiscgolf

YouTube – Fatboidiscgolf

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