Anthony Markham – Bowling Green, KY

“Most of my memorable moments have been playing with new friends that I have made since starting to play this game. I have pulled off a few long throw-ins around 80ft or so which I was ecstatic about at the time. I play different small tournaments around where I live and enjoy meeting new people at these tourneys and making new friends…”

Welcome to another edition of our Disc Golf Player Profile publication – where we feature disc golfers that you may or may not have heard of before. Everybody has their own disc golf story to tell. This is the place where those stories are being told and shared with the world!

Meet Anthony Markham (PDGA #233730)

Tell us about yourself! How old are you? Where do you live? What do you do (work/school/etc.)?

I am 47 years old. I work as an electrical engineer currently.

Tell us about the most important people in your life! Who do you live with (family, friends, etc.)?

I live with my wife, 2 kids and several pets. 

Do you have a nickname or just something else that you go by?

I normally go by AJ to my friends.

Disc Golf Journey

How long have you been playing disc golf?

I started playing disc golf in September of 2022. 

How did you get started with disc golf?

I was traveling for work last year and was looking for something to get out of the hotel and get some exercise to help me lose some weight. Being in South Carolina at the time I found a local store there and bought a few disc and started trying it out. I was able to lose 30lbs in the first 4 months of playing.

Share some of your memorable disc golf moments…

Most of my memorable moments have been playing with new friends that I have made since starting to play this game. I have pulled off a few long throw-ins around 80ft or so which I was ecstatic about at the time. I play different small tournaments around where I live and enjoy meeting new people at these tourneys and making new friends.

Some Random Personal Stuff

What do you do when you’re not playing disc golf?

I also enjoy going fishing and archery with my family. I am also working on my scuba certifications to become a scuba instructor in the near future.

What is your absolute favorite food (something you couldn’t live without)?


What’s your favorite fast-food restaurant?


What are some of your favorite movies of all time?

The Quiet Man, Green Berets, Avatar, Star Wars, Star Trek, Serenity

What are some of your favorite TV shows/series?

NCIS, Swat, Mash, Boston Legal, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers

Do you have any pro or college sports teams you are fanatic about?

KC Chiefs, University of Kentucky basketball and football.

In the Bag

What is the first disc golf disc that you ever owned?


What are some of your favorite discs that are in your bag right now?

Roadrunner, Undertaker, Essence, RekoX, Envy, Deflector, Crave

What else is always in your bag other than discs?

Chalk bag, range finder, mini, BT speaker

Disc Golf Courses

Do you have a course that you consider your ‘home course’? Tell us about it.

Kereiakes is one of my local courses that I find the most fun to play. It has both technical wooded shots as well as some open areas to let loose but does not have extremely long holes. I prefer this as my drives are not that long as of right now.

What are a few of your favorite disc golf courses to play?

I love playing at several courses here in Bowling Green, such as the Loops, Kereiakes, Hopson Grove, and Efram.

What is a dream disc golf course for you that you hope to play someday?

I don’t have just one.

Let’s Play Disc Golf

Do you have any pre-round or post-round rituals that you do when you play disc golf?

Not at this time.

Do you drink, smoke, snack, or partake in anything else while playing disc golf? What’s your go-to?

I do smoke on occasion when I play but I usually just stick to water and sometimes some jerky.

Are you just a casual disc golfer? Do you participate in any local leagues? Do you compete in disc golf tournaments?

I play weekly in my local league and I occasionally play in small tournaments around my area.

Do you have any tips for aspiring disc golfers?

The best advice I have is to have fun. If it ever stops being fun you need to take a break.

Disc Golf Fun Stuff

Do you have any favorite professional disc golfers that you follow?

I follow Simon Lizotte, Page Pierce, Kristin Tattar, Ricky Wysocki mostly but I enjoy watching all play.

Do you have any disc golf goals that you are trying to achieve?

I would like to be able to better compete in some of the tourney’s I play in. I know it takes time.

Who do you typically play disc golf with?

My son and some friends I have made. Depends on who is available.

What would a perfect disc golf round look like for you?

At this time my perfect round would be par.

Let’s Get Social

I don’t currently have much of a social media presence. I have thought about starting one but have never really managed to.

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